The Frail Family....

....this family was such a pleasure to work with. They are upbeat, easy going and they have a beautiful daughter who was an absolute treasure to work with. I can't wait to meet their new little bundle of joy who is due to arrive in just a few short months.
Meet Kullen....

I had so much fun chasing him all over the "farm". He led me on some wild adventures: throwing rocks in the pond (and almost falling in), hiking up and down hills and trails, wandering the many dirt roads, and meeting all of the beautiful horses. Kullen is a fearless 2 year old with the most gorgeous red hair (and a little of the red-headed stubborness to go with it). I look forward to taking more photos of Kullen in the future and watching him grow over the years.
The Canipe/Lidke/Janowitz Families....

...I am honored and blessed to be able to call these sweet and caring people, friends. Our day started out with a few timid looks from some of the adults and kids but by the end of the day, I had become a part of their family. We did their portraits on Thanksgiving morning and I have to say, it was one of my favorite sessions to date. Thanks for the memories and for the love you showed me!
The Janowitz Family.... newest and dearest friends. This couple, and their children, have the biggest hearts, warmest smiles and give some of the best hugs our of all the people I have ever met in my life. Our paths connected almost 2 years ago and since that time, our bond and friendship has bloomed into an ever lasting bond.