Sept. 19, 2010: Day 37
I did a photo shoot with the Gaulden Family this afternoon. Jackie, the mother, and I know each other from our days together at BHS. She has a beautiful family and it was a true pleasure to chase around her precious girl.
Sept. 20, 2010: Day 38
My first Dahlia is in bloom! This makes me a very happy Gardener. :) Everyone should go visit the fine folks New Leaf Garden Market in Pisgah Forest. They have great plants and give wonderful gardening tips.

Sept. 21, 2010: Day 39
My last Cone Flower of the season is dying out. I have mixed emotions about this. On one hand I am sad because I love Coneflowers. On the other hand I am happy because it means that Fall is HERE!!!!

Sept. 22, 2010: Day 40
Fall is my favorite season for so many reasons. The leaves are beautiful. I love to see pumpkins on porches and funny scarecrows scattered in lawns and gardens. The weather is cooler and I get to bundle in my comfy sweaters and hoodies. I can go for a walk in the afternoon and sweat because I push myself instead of sweating because it's 100 degrees. Fall, I welcome you with open arms!
Sept. 23, 2010: Day 41
Fall thanked me for the warm welcome by giving me a cold. *Cough. Sniffle. AAAACCCHHHHOOO!*
Sept. 24, 2010: Day 42
I stayed home from work today because I was feeling so icky. Roxy didn't get the memo that "Mom" was sick, she thought it was supposed to be a play day for us. I mustered enough energy to throw the frisbee with her for about 20 minutes and she was overjoyed.

Sept. 25, 2010: Day 43
A friend of mine bakes incredible cakes. I have enjoyed seeing photos of her many cakes and was honored when she asked me to photograph this one. Beautiful job girl!
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