August 30, 2010: Day 17
Today the kids and I found an injured butterfly on the playground. There wasn't much we could do to help it so we carefully carried it to a tree and set it in a nice safe place with lots of leaves for shelter and food.
August 31, 2010: Day 18
My father-in-law got creative in his efforts to provide Roxy with adequate amounts of exercise.
September 1, 2010: Day 19
I didn't actually take this photo today BUT I did just "rediscover" it today. Duchess is super attached to this toy. If anything ever happens to the "Monster", the world will surely stop turning.

September 2, 2010: Day 20
My friends, Ron and Darcie, have arrived! They are visiting from Cape Cod, MA. I can't wait to show them what my life in the "country" is like. I welcomed them with a campfire and S'mores on their first night in town.

Sept. 3, 2010: Day 21
The Brilhante's and I explored Pisgah National Forest together today. :)
Sept. 4, 2010: Day 22
Buck, Darcie, Ron and I enjoyed an afternoon at the Apple Festival in Hendersonville, NC today. Buck's favorite part? The grilled corn we purhcased from "Mother Shuckers". YUM!
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