Day 3: Inching Along
I almost stepped on this little guy while out on the playground with my preschool students today. I gathered the kids around and we spent almost 15 minutes just sitting quietly and watching as he inched along. We talked about where he might be going, what he might do when he gets there, what he eats, etc. It was a wonderfully peaceful moment filled with communication, learning and fun. One of my students insisted we find a stick and move the Inch Worm to a tree so that no one would step on him. We named him "Thumbs" and sent him on his way to a new home.

Day 4: New Student
A student from the 3 year old room moved up to my class a few days early. The hat says it all: I sense a challenging year ahead...

Day 5: Obstacles
So today the kids and I were reminded of the importance of overcoming obstacles gracefully. We found this caterpillar on the sidewalk on our way to the playground this afternoon. Once again the kids and I sat and watched as he crawled along. In his path was a small stick. The children were upset that this stick was in the way and they wanted to move it but I encouraged them to leave it and see what the caterpillar would do. Would he go around it? Would he crawl over it? Would he stop and stare at it? We all made our hypotheses and waited for the results. He slowed as he approached but then quickly built his speed back up. It was as if he had a moment of doubt before decided to surge ahead at full steam. He made it over the stick with no problems and then continued to crawl toward a large tree. A child stated this; "That stick was just practice. He knows he can make it over that stick and he isn't afraid to climb up that tree and find an awesome branch to build his cocoon. Soon he'll be a beautiful butterfly and he will always remember how proud he felt when he made it over the stick." Just a few minutes later a child who has been afraid of to try out the swings decided to give them a try and credited her braveness to the caterpillars journey. What a wonderful lesson we all were taught today.
Day 6: Belated Birthday Wishes
I arrived home today to find a package in the mail addressed to me and covered in a child's stamp artwork (stamps as in ink and rubber stamps). I recognized the return address and I couldn't wait to open it up and see what wonderful surprises were in store for me. My niece, Devin, made some truly wonderful birthday cards just for me. Thanks D! (And Emily) This was the best birthday present I have ever received.

Day 7: Belated Birthday Outing
Okay, this may make me a nerd but I LOVE to play Putt-Putt (AKA: Miniature Golf). When I was growing up my parents would load up the family into our station wagon and off we would go in search of ice cream and putt-putt. My brother shares this passion with me so it's become a summer tradition to go play as often as we can. This year we decided it would be our birthday presents to one another as we both have summer birthdays. We went to our favorite local course and had a truly great time. Thanks for the fun and laughter "Brubber"!

Day 8: A day with the best sister and niece in the whole world!
I decided to venture to Charlotte today for some much needed sister/niece time. Turns out my sister, Jody, was in the middle of a rather large project: Switching my nieces room and the work out room. We started off the day moving shelves, boxes and odds and ends from one room to another. Then we made out a shopping list, loaded up and headed out. First stop: IKEA where we had lunch and then spent 3 hours pushing out way through a mob of back-to-schoolers in an effort to gather needed items. We felt like we deserved a treat after surviving this so we treated ourselves to some frozen yogurt and a cinnamon roll. Next stop was WalMart. This stop didn't take long but it was again very crowded and a bit overwhelming at times. Our last stop for the day was Target where we had difficulty locating the extension cords and called for help only to find out we were two aisles away from them the whole time. When we returned home we hauled our purchases upstairs, did some more moving of items and then decided to take a break for dinner. Devin wanted some chill time and needed some help setting up her new computer so I assisted in the setup process while Jody grabbed some yummy salads from Panera for dinner. I got home at 10:30pm, said a quick "Hi" and "Love ya" to Buck then fell into bed and was asleep in a record 45 seconds.

Day 9: "Cattitude"
I spent the day at home for the first time in weeks. It felt great to sleep in (even if it was only until 7:30am). I spent the majority of my day reorganizing the office which turned out to be a bigger project than I had figured it to be. In fact, it's still only 3/4 of the way finished as I type this blog. I managed to squeeze in time for a family portrait session with Kaelee.Denise Photography. Buck, Roxy, Duchess and I spent an hour posing and smiling for the camera. I was really pleased with how well the dogs did and I am anxious to see the photographs. Witty felt a little left out since we didn't include her in the portrait session and she wasn't a bit shy about expressing her emotions....
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