Anytime my birthday falls on a weekday I take the day off from work. When my preschool students learned that I was going to be absent on my birthday they insisted that we have a "Party Day" on the day before my birthday so that they could celebrate with me. Even though this meant a lot of work for me (planning games, crafts, snacks, etc.), I was so moved by their love for me that I decided to do it. We went all out! We tie-dyed t-shirts to wear on this special day, played games like "Pin the Glasses on Miss Mandy", and had pizza for lunch. Here are a few pictures from our special day together.

(Don't worry, she could breathe just fine under there.)

*Note: Anytime you have a group of active preschoolers who have just eaten ice cream, the last thing you worry about is hiding the camera remote when taking a group photo. You just keep clicking away until you get the best shot possible. All this was done without the aide of a second adult.

*I adore the expression on his face. His mantra that he chanted over and over was, "I really, really hope I can do this." Take note of the dropped purple plastic egg in the background. It was a harder game than they thought it was going to be.
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