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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Educational Video

So this post is actually for my "Educational Technologies" college class. The assignment was to find a) an educational video and b) an entertaining video on YouTube, Google Video or elsewhere and post it to your blog under two seperate posts titled as follows a)"Educational Video" and b) "Entertaining Video".

Since I actually use this blog to promote my business and to keep my friends and family informed on the many events in my life, I decided to upload a video I created last year for my graduating preschoolers.

My preschool class (AKA: Classroom Four) is in the middle of a fundraiser right now. We are selling re-usable snack bags (Email me for details) in an effort to raise funds to purchase a Flip Video (which is a digital video recorder). This will enable me to capture some of our priceless moments together during our time in Classroom Four. This will allow me to include them on their end of the year DVD and enable me to share them on our class website and (with permission of course) on FaceBook as a way to spread those precious (and in high demand) "Quotes of the day from Classroom Four".

Click here to see the video (All images and names have been used with permission).

Hope all my friends, family and teacher enjoy this fun little creation of mine. :)