It's been a while since I have posted. Between working full time, taking three online classes, working a part time job, doing photography and maintaining my household, blogging has fallen through the cracks. I don't have a lot to share tonight but I wanted to update with a few random pictures taken over the past couple of weeks. Here ya go...

My "baby" turned 1 at the end of February. I can't believe how quickly the year has flown by. She's such a big girl now - weighing in at almost 80 pounds! She loves playing in water so much that for her birthday we bought her a "kiddie pool" to play in.

In honor of Springs arrival, my preschoolers and I learned all about rainbows. Each week I try to incorporate a cooking project that introduces new and healthy foods. I was inspired by all the beautiful colors of the fruit in my grocery stores produce section that I decided "Fruit Rainbows" would be a fun activity. The children enjoyed using plastic butter knives to slice their fruit and create their very own rainbows. The highlight of the activity: watching their faces as they tasted fruits like Papaya, Mango, Lemon, and Star fruit.

Photographs, just like paintings, speak to their viewers. I know the circumstances behind his photograph, the true story. You, my viewers, do not. Tell me, and speak honestly, what does this photograph say to you?

Our heating/AC unit died two weeks ago. We have had crazy weather lately, jumping from mid 80's to below freezing. One night my house is too hot, the next night we all freeze. The part has arrived (and it was NOT cheap), the repairman has not. This is what happens when you agree to hire a friend who is a professional but does jobs on the side for less than the company he works for charges. We wanted to save money but I didn't realize it would be at the expense of my SANITY. This photo sums up how I feel about the whole situation. (Okay, I have to admit that I do feel guilty and like a bad person for feeling aggravated about this. I should be thankful that I have a roof over my head and a safe place to sleep. I AM thankful and I do know that I am blessed in this life but if I can't whine in this blog then what's the point in having it? It's supposed to be about my thoughts and feelings right? The good, the bad and the ugly.)

This is my "brother", Sam-bo. He is my Dad's dog. I am forever in debt to this guy - he has been able to provide friendship, support, and love to my father better than any one else during the grieving process after loosing my mother, two of his brothers and one of his best friends all within a period of 5 months. This all took place almost 2 years ago but in many ways the pain is still as sharp as it would be if it had just happened yesterday. "Bo-Bo", as I loving call him, is one of my heroes. I captured these photos one afternoon while Dad was out on a fishing trip. (He is a hobbyist Bass fisherman - and a pretty darn good one too!) I plan to have them printed and framed as a surprise for daddy. I know he will love them. :)