Welcome 2011!

Between holiday travels, exams in my college courses, starting a new semester of college courses and redecorating my office, this blog has taken a back burner. But I am back and I promise to be better about updating.
I have been doing a lot of things just for me lately - for those of you who know me, you know that this is something I don't do often enough. My first adventure was redecorating and organizing my office/digital photo lab/library/craft room. I am 80% finished and I am loving it! Basically all that is left to do is clean up the walls, hang a few more things and finish organizing my storage closet (okay, so if I count the closet I am only 75% finished). Buck has had to drag me out of my room at night and make me go to bed. I promise to post pictures as soon as it's complete.
My new years resolution this year is to hike/drive to as many of the beautiful waterfalls in my area as I can possibly fit into a year. I live in Transylvania County, North Carolina (AKA: The Land Of The Waterfalls). Our county is home to over 200 waterfalls and I have honestly seen less than 20 of them. It's sad that I have lived here all my life (almost 30 years) and that is all I have managed to explore. My promise to you is that I will post pictures of all the falls I visit - although I warn you now that I am not very good at photographing waterfalls (at least not yet). I am sure this will be a wonderful chance to practice and become a more experienced and more qualified photographer.
I haven't hiked to any waterfalls yet as we have had a lot of snowfall this month (and I severely sprained my left foot - once a clutz, always a clutz). However, I did manage to hike John's Rock Trail (Pisgah National Forest) recently (only a short portion of it as it was covered in about 3.5" of snow and I was only accompanied by my 11 month old pup, Roxy, and my camera). It was absolutely the most peaceful hike I have ever taken - it was just what this stressed mind and soul has been needing. I only saw 2 other people the entire time I was out there and the thick blanket of snow seemed to have put the entire forest and it's animals into a deep transe. The only sounds I heard were my and Roxy's foot steps and the occassional bird song. There were many spectacular sights along the trail but everytime I lifted my camera I felt like I was robbing myself of just enjoying the moment. I did capture a few great shots but once I noticed the fresh Coyote tracks in the snow, I decided to get my booty in gear and head back to the car - I didn't stop to take anymore photos.
The trail. . .

My lunch spot. . .

A peaceful moment on the way out of the forest. . .

My hiking buddy, Roxy (this was taken on Christmas day). . .

That's all I have time to post right now... time to get my nose back in the books and finish up an assignment that's due by midnight.
I look forward to hearing your comments and as always let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas for posts. I am always up for challenges so feel free to send me ideas for photographs, stories,and new adventures I could entertain you all with.